Saturday, November 27, 2010

What is Borderline Divine?

You've got me. But it sounds catchy, doesn't it?

Borderline Divine is my attempt at two things: Daily, disciplined reading and daily, disciplined writing.

I have a job as a writer. I write every day. But I seldom have the chance to write for myself--even maintaining a personal blog--I'm just spent and have no inspiration and nothing that moves me enough to sit down and work. So I can I give myself something to write about every day. Just to regain my sense of discipline if nothing more.

For the past several years, my church has published a book of meditations based on readings from the Lectionary during the season of Lent. I've participated and submitted a handful of personal meditations. Writing about what I've read and connecting the reading, somehow, to my daily life has really helped me find or make meaning in readings I otherwise may have skipped or may not have considered on anything other than a surface level. In connecting the readings to my daily life, I can see how they remain real and relevant, generations after they were initially composed.

I see the combination as something not quite mundane and not quite divine...Borderline Divine, if you will.

So, join me as I seek to explore the spiritual in the mundane. I'll provide links to the Daily Lectionary and to my selected reading in addition to my meditation. And, if you'd like more mundane and less spiritual, you can still find my thoughts on parenting, knitting, and life in general over at Saisquoi?

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